Monday, February 20, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Holy Kanye
Moving right along, am I the only person completely bored with the Winter Olympics? It seems as though NBC is only interested in showing us these made-up sports like Snowboard Cross and Speed Skating Pursuit. It's like watching poorly designed video games but at least they have objective scoring systems. Any activity that has a entirely subjective scoring system like Half-pipe, shouldn't be considered a sport. Sports are activities where someone wins because they are faster, stronger, can jump higher, etc. Don't get me wrong - I think it takes a lot of dedication, hard work and talent to become an snowboarder but it's not a sport any more than gymnastics is. At least ice skating is starting to get the big idea with their new scoring system but the result is that the performances are a bit flat from a aesthetic standpoint.
I think all the great movies have already been made. Maybe I'm jaded but I haven't seen a movie that told an original story in a very long time. I think the last one was "The Secret of Roan Inish". The rest have all been rehashes of other story lines. A message to Hollywood - DON'T MAKE ANY MORE REMAKES OF GREAT MOVIES UNLESS YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU WON'T SCREW THEM UP. All it does is detract from the original. The Steve Martin remake of "The Pink Panther" is horrible. I don't understand how no one else could see that. Before it came out, there was some PSA with Steve Martin as Clouseau and I could tell right there he wasn't going to pull it off. There is never going to be another Peter Sellers. The pity is that a lot of kids are going to go to this movie and probably like it ok because they haven't seen the original. So many people under 30 haven't seen the really great movies and what's worse, they probably never will. I'm going to compile a list of must see movies. It's like literature, you have to be grounded in the classics before you can understand the modern writers. Here's a few to get started with.
Edward Scissorhands
Blade Runner
The Godfather
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Torch
Turn your televisions off, you stupid, stupid people. There's no way anyone can do justice to a news story in the time allowed in cable or network news. Don't believe that what you read in the newspapers is the whole story. It's a bit better than television but they're still only telling you want they want you to know. Talk Radio is probably the best of the traditional media for getting the whole story but you have to be able to cut through all the rhetoric and get to the meat of the issue. It amazing to me how these guys can take one issue and stretch it out for 3 hours. The internet, however, is the Holy Grail of news gathering and distribution. Here you have a melding of the medias into one instanteous feed of information from as many or as few sources as you like with as much or little editorialization as you can stand. You can get the news at whatever time is convenient for you and in whatever format you choose and it's absolutely democratic. The torch has been passed.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Catholics
It really gets on my tits how reasonably intelligent people can chose to be remain so ignorant. While at my mother-in-law's this weekend, we got into a discussion of how a particular syndrome was heriditary and was actually an adaptation to enviromental stresses of an entire population. My contention was that we had pretty damn good proof of evolution in our lifetime. My mother-in-law just chose not to discuss it and dismissed it out of hand as though I was some 8 year old who didn't know what I was talking about. This is a college educated woman who keeps up with current events, watches C-span and definately seems capable of understanding the concept yet her religious and cultural inhibition is preventing her from accepting the truth. Not everything we were told as children is true. Unfortunately, many of us were taught by people who either didn't know the truth or didn't want to know the truth. I am very fortunate and thankful that my parents (both came from large, rural, conservative families), upon recognizing my thirst for knowledge, encouraged me to learn independently. The Catholic grade school I went to was also progressive and had programs for children to learn at their own pace. As a consequence, I don't take anything for granted and I always corroborate information before I will accept it as truth. One of the things my mother taught me was to never believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum
I do understand that some bands want their fans to download their songs and I don't have a problem with that because they chose to do that. It gets their music out there and helps bring fans to their shows. The prevailing rational is that if people download the music off the internet, they'll want to buy the CD because the audio quality is better. The problem with that is a lot of people who download are not audiophiles. They're completely happy with the lower audio quality. There's no way an Ipod is going to sound like a CD played through a proper home or car stereo, regardless of how good your headphones are. One of the reasons popular music has become so formulaic is that the record companies need every song to pay off because their profit margins have been squeezed. There's very little room for letting an artist develop.
Music is just the tip of the iceberg. Downloading movies from the internet is even more of a travesty. Every person credited at the end of a film is making their living by working in the motion picture industry. I don't think this is going to be the end of movies but I do feel it will force the industry to find cheaper ways to do things which means the people at the bottom of the food chain will have to find something else to do and the ones left with jobs will have to do more without any more compensation. Movies are going down the same road popular music has. So many of the motion pictures coming out now follow a proven formula for fiscal success but don't challenge viewers the way films used to. Even if the movie blazes a new trail artistically, the studios have to package so that people will think it's just like all the other run of the mill films being churned out by Hollywood.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Oh, you've got to be kidding
Hopefully, Europe will begin, as a result of the riots in France, the London and Spanish subway bombing and the recent uproar over the cartoons, to understand that we are dealing with a group of people that don't want to be assimilated into any culture. Their intent is to convert us or kill us. You can't reason with madmen. We are quickly approaching a crossroads where we will have to either let radical Islam conquer modern civilization or defend our future. There are other groups that are on the verge of true radicalism on the same level as fundamentalist Islam. Anyone who would bomb or burn an abortion clinic is really close to bombing businesses who hire gay people or burning down people's homes who don't agree with their religious beliefs.
On a seperate note, what is the deal with people co-opting famous people's funerals to make political hay. The circus surrounding Coretta Scott King's funeral is absolutely embarrassing. Instead of honoring her life, one person after another took the opportunity to get on their soapbox and criticize the current administration's policies with Bush sitting right there. Politics has no place in a church and religion has no place in politics.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Monday, February 06, 2006
Here we go again! Christians #5
I'm also starting to think that Bush is a little too Christian for my tastes. The woman he appointed for the Supreme Court was a born-again and if his appointees are like this guy, I'm more than a little concerned. We don't need a bunch of Watts running around making proclamations about what is acceptable and what is not from a religious point of view. This sort of person is just as bad as a died in the wool liberal. They're always right and you're some sort of idiot or demon for thinking differently. I am always open to other's ideas and I don't have a problem with people challenging mine as long as it's done in a logical rather than emotional manner. I guess I'm more of a libertarian than anything else. If you don't get in my way, I won't get in yours.
Thursday, February 02, 2006 Christians, part 4
Undeniably, the Roman Catholic Church is the only Christian denomination that can show continuity all the way back to Christ himself. It's not a matter of opinion, it's called world history. Christ told Peter when he changed his name that Peter was the rock on which his church was to be built. While it's true that the Church fathers chose to include the Gospel that mentions this in the New Testament instead of others, it also has basis in tradition. Peter writes as the head of the church and Paul recognized him as such. The lineage of popes continues on until this day with Pope Benedict.
What does this really mean? To me it means that the Church Jesus founded has weathered every storm that has come its way and perservered until today. It has as much relevance as it did 2000 years ago as witnessed by the sheer numbers of practicing Catholics in the world. People who leave the Church because they can't find enough mysticism or whatever it is they are looking for haven't looked enough. How many other churches can boast of levitating monks or priests who can bi-locate? How is it that no other Christian faiths have any verifiable miracles or visitations? These are not coincidences. God has made it clear to me that He is the creator of all and that regardless of what science discovers, it will only bolster my faith in His creation. If you have the faith that God is the perfect being(spirit, person?) He must be, then there is nothing that impossible for Him. Christians, part 3
The real reason some people don’t believe in evolution is that they can’t get their minds around the fact the not only is evolution a proven fact but it is also the consequence of God’s unimaginably incredible creation. The Catholic Church has supported both the Big Bang Theory of the creation of the universe and the Theory of Evolution for at least 50 years now. One of the biggest problems some people have is distinguishing between the definition of theory in the strictest sense of the word and the scientific definition of theory. In the world of science, a theory is a group of postulations that most closely describe a given set of phenomenon. If something arises that challenges those postulations, the theory is not thrown out, it is modified to address the differences. Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity have been tested rigorously over the last 85 or so years and have passed the tests in every case. The technology in modern day conveniences like television and computers are based on Einstein’s theories. Kind of disquieting to thing that things we use in our everyday life are based on theory, huh? Most people would say at that point that they don’t need to be called theories any more and should be called laws. Scientists, however, are very skeptical people by profession and will continue to call it a theory until every possible challenge has been exhausted, which would be never. There will always be someone out there with another bright idea about how the world is put together.
In regards to evolution, the empirical evidence is overwhelming and it makes me laugh when the creationist’s explanation for dinosaur fossils that appear to be from before the time God created the “heavens and the earth” is because He put them there to test our faith. As I said before, we were given the faculties to question our existence for a reason. That reason is to discover how great God’s creation really is. Everything we discover in science reinforces my belief that God is really omniscient, all powerful, all caring, all merciful and all the other alls you can think of. People who have a problem with scientific discoveries contradicting with their faith either don’t want to expand their mind to grasp the idea that God is all that or they don’t have the capacity to. The latter is excusable, the former unconscionable.
Many of the fundamentalist religions want God to be a creator who is only able to create one planet in the entire universe that harbors intelligent life and on that one planet he was only able to create one species with the intellect to understand him. Well folks, I got news for you. The statistical chance that we are the only intelligent civilization in God’s grand creation is infinitesimal. The line from Carl Sagan’s book and the movie of the same name says it all “What a waste of space.” We may not even be the only species on the planet capable of understanding the concept of a creator. All the hallmarks people have used in the past to separate man from the rest of the animal world have all fallen away one by one. Language used to be the determining factor but we now know chimpanzees, dolphins, parrots and even octopus’ all use language of different types to communicate. Tool using has also been sent packing as chimps have been observed fashioning and using tools to gather food.
I am anticipating that the discoveries of the next few years will further bolster my belief and faith in my God. Sometimes I wonder if the people who are so against evolution and the theories surrounding the creation of the universe are worshipping the same God I am. Their God seems to be vengeful, spiteful and limited in power. My God is capable of all things.