Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Oh, you've got to be kidding

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The situation with the Muslims all over the world reacting to the cartoons of Mohammed in the Danish newspaper has been taken to a new level. It wasn't enough to demonstrate in the streets or burn Danish embassies. Now the word on the Muslims street is that America is ultimately responsible for what happened because as the ultimate sinner against Islam, we have set the example for Europe. Danish people couldn't have possibly come up with something like all by their little selves. Afghanis are actually protesting and 4 of them were killed today in an attack on a US base in Afghanistan. The deaths came at the hands of Afghan police and US troops were only involved to the extent that they tried to scare the protesters off by firing into the air. The really interesting part of all this is that the original cartoons were published back in September of 2005. Why is it just now that it's becoming an issue? Because Al Jazeera and radical Muslim leaders have chosen to make it an issue and have even gone so far as embellish the evidence. One of the cartoons that are objected to is actually a photograph of a pig that has been doctored to look as though it was cartoon depicting Mohammed as a pig. I am of the opinion that if you can't laugh at something, you are probably taking it way too seriously. I'm reminded of a Triumph the Insult Comic Dog character bit from the American Idol tryouts in Hawaii. He's talking to a girl who credits Jesus with all here success and so on. As she is performing her song for Triumph, an actor dressed as Jesus walks into the shot, taps here on the shoulder and says " It's not going to happen" and then walks away. I thought it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen yet I'm sure there are some people who would be aghast at the idea of Jesus being involved in such a trivial manner.
Hopefully, Europe will begin, as a result of the riots in France, the London and Spanish subway bombing and the recent uproar over the cartoons, to understand that we are dealing with a group of people that don't want to be assimilated into any culture. Their intent is to convert us or kill us. You can't reason with madmen. We are quickly approaching a crossroads where we will have to either let radical Islam conquer modern civilization or defend our future. There are other groups that are on the verge of true radicalism on the same level as fundamentalist Islam. Anyone who would bomb or burn an abortion clinic is really close to bombing businesses who hire gay people or burning down people's homes who don't agree with their religious beliefs.
On a seperate note, what is the deal with people co-opting famous people's funerals to make political hay. The circus surrounding Coretta Scott King's funeral is absolutely embarrassing. Instead of honoring her life, one person after another took the opportunity to get on their soapbox and criticize the current administration's policies with Bush sitting right there. Politics has no place in a church and religion has no place in politics.


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