Monday, February 06, 2006

Here we go again! Christians #5

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I just read an article about some Bush appointee to NASA that has tried to insert intelligent design into official NASA documents and insisted that every mention of the Big Bang included the word theory because it wasn't proven fact. No it's not proven fact but it is the best at describing the current conditions in the universe and the conditions that existed at the beginning of the universe. Until there's some data suggesting Einstein was full of shit, I'll stick with the Big Bang. I don' t understand how people can still deny things that are staring them right in the face. I do believe we have an intelligent designer but not in the way these Christians do. God does not meddle in the affairs of men and he didn't meticulously design every detail of existence. I feel He(She, It, Whatever) started the ball rolling and since He(She, It, Whatever) is all powerful, all knowing, etc., He(She, It, Whatever) knew exactly how everything was going to turn out. God knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen. "Wait a minute! How can we have free will if God knows everything that is going to happen?" The matter of free will could also be a consequence of the Big Bang. Einstein's amazingly accurate predictions involve a situtation where at the crossroads of a decision, event, etc. there is a time where both outcomes are equally possible and a universe exists for both choices. Both universes overlap in the same time/space continuum until the choice is made. At the time of your choice, for instance, of vanilla ice cream over chocolate, your existence continues into the vanilla universe while the you that chose the chocolate is forever in the chocolate universe. This means an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of outcomes. In some universe, Hitler won WWII, in another the Challenger is still operational. Remember, with God all things are possible.

I'm also starting to think that Bush is a little too Christian for my tastes. The woman he appointed for the Supreme Court was a born-again and if his appointees are like this guy, I'm more than a little concerned. We don't need a bunch of Watts running around making proclamations about what is acceptable and what is not from a religious point of view. This sort of person is just as bad as a died in the wool liberal. They're always right and you're some sort of idiot or demon for thinking differently. I am always open to other's ideas and I don't have a problem with people challenging mine as long as it's done in a logical rather than emotional manner. I guess I'm more of a libertarian than anything else. If you don't get in my way, I won't get in yours.


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