Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bomb them back to Babylon


Osama bin Laden saying on his most recent propaganda tape that the real reason they haven't attacked us again since 9/11 is that they haven't finished planning their next attack. I think this is probably somewhat true to the extent that the next 9/11 size attack is probably in the planning stages or somewhere close to completion. We've thwarted several attacks in the last 4 1/2 years, some we know about and some we don't. The real kicker is him saying that he is willing to come to the table for truce negotiations. His assurance of trust is that his religion won't allow him to lie or cheat. This is the same person who said his religion was requiring him to convert us to Islam or kill us. I suspect George Bush's plan to confront the terrorists on their own turf to keep them from attacking us here is working and bin Laden is trying to cut his losses. He just lost his #4 man and almost lost his #2 man a few days ago. The other scenario involves him really believing we would negotiate a truce with him which I think is highly improbable given his obviously high intellect. Often in Arab culture, a truce is offered before an attack to allow the opponent an opportunity to bow out gracefully and give the aggressor the opportunity to say "We gave them opportunity to negotiate".

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The sad part is that we'll get some people here in the states that will want to capitulate. You can't negotiate with someone that wants to kill ever single one of us that won't convert to Islam. This is exactly what he wants us to do. With us out of Iraq and Afganistan, Iran can continue to develop nuclear weapons and their sponsorship of terrorism. I can definately see a tactical nuclear weapon from Iran finding its way into Al Quaeda's hands if Iran is not challenged soon. The UN is going to tell them "You better stop making nuclear weapons or we'll tell you to stop again". They're like the rent-a-cops malls hire that don't carry guns. The minute we have absolute proof Iran is producing plutonium, we need to bomb those facilities back to Babylon.


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