Monday, January 16, 2006

The Altar of Popular Culture

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It's amazing how deeply popular culture has penetrated just about every facet of our lives. You can't look anywhere without seeing or hearing about which actress has lost weight or which rock star has just gotten out of detox. I used to think it was the media's fault for bombarding us with loads of nonsense about people who really are just famous for being famous. Then I realized the media is just pandering to what the American public wants to see. People know who just won the Grammy for best song but they don't know who the Secretary of State is. So, why are we worshiping at the altar of popular culture? I think it's because people are too lazy to expend the effort to think or do anything about the things that really matter.

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The only things I am concerned with in regards to the world outside my front door are the things that effect my family or friends in a positive or negative sense. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the skills of a great actor or musician or sports figure. It just means that I don't devote any of my energy to things that can't improve the conditions of my family or friends. I don't understand how people can live their lives centered around a sports team or a NASCAR driver. I've said on more than one occasion that people who have bumper stickers for NASCAR drivers are only advertising their IQ. People who have excelled in their profession can become role models but only to the extent that someone might pattern themselves after them to achieve or surpass their success but in too many situations it turns into idolatry by many people who profess to worship in a more traditional sense. I don't see this getting any better without it getting much worse. Unfortunately, I don't think we've hit bottom yet. Everytime I think it can't get any worse, I'm surprised again. As an example, my sister-in-law, who is practically a shut in, doesn't really watch TV and hasn't been to a movie in God knows how long, started giggling like a little girl when my wife told her that several famous actors where in the town where I live filming movies and that the mother of someone my wife knows is living two doors down from where a particular actor was leasing a house. This guy puts his pants on the same way I do - one leg at a time. Come on folks, let's focus on the important things, like how many children are going to bed hungry tonight.


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