Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Just wait your turn - I'll get around to you.....


I just thought I would start this blog to vent all my frustrations about senseless crap I see and hear about every day. I'm sure it won't take me long to find something to bitch about. You may see some rants about politics, religion, music, culture, TV, movies, etc. I don't expect to leave any stones unturned so don't complain about me singling one group or another to complain about. Just wait your turn - I'll get around to you sooner or later.
Today I want to talk about how the movie industry is so afraid of telling us the truth about their movies. I was talking to a co-worker about how in a lot of cases, movies aren't at all like the previews. They only show you what they think will get you to watch it. "Million Dollar Baby" is a fine example of this. The previews made you think that the movie was all about some chic being determined to become a boxer and convincing a trainer to take her on as a fighter. I thought it looked interesting as far as a protagonist struggling against the odds to become successful in a sport dominated by the other sex. That was just part of the movie. The real meat of the drama comes when the fighter is paralyzed in the ring and begs her trainer to kill her to end her agony. He resists at first and then finally gives in. What about the grace that comes from living with a disability or taking care of someone in that situation. I guess it's just my Southern upbringing but I didn't think we were supposed to kill people just because they don't like their circumstances. It's not like she was Terri Schiavo. It seems to me that people use mercy or sympathy as an excuse to take the easy way out.
It seems like "Brokeback Mountain" is from the same mold as "Million Dollar Baby". The subject matter is too controversial to take head on so the studio is showing these commercials of these beautiful vistas and close-ups of the lead actors tortured faces but don't address the real meat of the issue - that the movie is about gay cowboys. Now I don't really have a problem with the gay lifestyle. I just don't want it shoved down my throat (no pun intended). If they had the guts to produce it and it is such a great movie, don't tiptoe around it. Tell us what it is about and we'll make up our minds by ourselves if we want to see it or not. I probably won't go see it now because I don't like the way the film is being marketed.


Blogger Sweet Daddio said...

I see you are a Southerner- are you the Paul Thomas from a small town in South Georgia that starts with a "C"?

I agree with your comments 100% by the way

1:44 PM  

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