Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oprah' s Challenge


Oprah took a big hit to her credibility this week when this idiot that she was slobbering all over a while back turned out to be a BFL (Big Fat Liar). He "embellished" the facts in order to make his book more interesting. It's understandable when someone comes to you with a addict gone good story, that it's hard to disbelieve them but I bet she starts checking out her authors from now on. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the punch line - He's quoted as saying his next book will be a work of fiction.

It seems over the course of the last year or so that people are so eager to hear what they want to hear that they will disregard the facts. The sad situation with the West Virgina miners a week or so ago is another case in point. I'm not trying to say that the poor people who lost their loved ones were to blame for this. What I am saying is that the media was so eager to get the story out there, that they didn't do what reporters are supposed to do - corroborate! Who got hurt? Those decent people whose world got turned upside down in a matter of hours. It used to be that a newsperson's credibility was based on how reliable their information was. Now all you have to do is make a name for yourself by breaking some fantastic story whether it's true or not. Anyway, getting back to Oprah, I get the idea that she's all about everybody feeling good about themselves even if it means denying some immutable truths. Even though she didn't get stung with the "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" debacle, it was one of the books she recommended. That couldn't be good PR.


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