Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Deal with the Devil

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I can't believe people are still talking about negotiating with Osama bin Laden. I would have thought this would have fallen off the radar by last Wednesday or so. The plain and simple truth is that if we come to the table to negotiate with this madman, we instantly telegraph to the whole world that in some way we need to. The Arab world, in particular, will have the idea that we are afraid of Al Queda and it will strengthen their resolve. What people like Starr Jones, who said that sometimes you have to deal with the devil, don't understand is that the Muslim world is a black and white world. You are either with them or you are against them. Their culture is one of perceptions. To a Middle-Easterner, your body language, clothes and what you say, is an instant indictment. It doesn't make a difference if you are someone who sympathizes with them or not. "Since you are not one of us, you must be against us". Don't fall into the trap of thinking we are not winning the war on terror. The very fact bin Laden would offer to negotiate tells me that he feels threatened. Losing your #4 in command and very nearly your second in command can do that to a guy. I think we got too close with the attack in Pakistan and he is trying to deflect it by making threats with one hand and the offer to negotiate with the other. This guy is FOS and everyone outside the Arab world knows it. We need to steel our resolve and continue to hunt him and his minions down.


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