Thursday, February 02, 2006 Christians, part 4

It's time to wrap up my manifesto on why I feel Catholics should be segregated from other Christian faiths when it comes to discussions on capital punishment, evolution and so on. It's difficult to discuss this without sounding preachy and I hope I've done a good job of this. This last installment is going to probably upset people more than the previous ones.

Undeniably, the Roman Catholic Church is the only Christian denomination that can show continuity all the way back to Christ himself. It's not a matter of opinion, it's called world history. Christ told Peter when he changed his name that Peter was the rock on which his church was to be built. While it's true that the Church fathers chose to include the Gospel that mentions this in the New Testament instead of others, it also has basis in tradition. Peter writes as the head of the church and Paul recognized him as such. The lineage of popes continues on until this day with Pope Benedict.

What does this really mean? To me it means that the Church Jesus founded has weathered every storm that has come its way and perservered until today. It has as much relevance as it did 2000 years ago as witnessed by the sheer numbers of practicing Catholics in the world. People who leave the Church because they can't find enough mysticism or whatever it is they are looking for haven't looked enough. How many other churches can boast of levitating monks or priests who can bi-locate? How is it that no other Christian faiths have any verifiable miracles or visitations? These are not coincidences. God has made it clear to me that He is the creator of all and that regardless of what science discovers, it will only bolster my faith in His creation. If you have the faith that God is the perfect being(spirit, person?) He must be, then there is nothing that impossible for Him.


Blogger Paul Thomas said...

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1:10 PM  
Blogger Paul Thomas said...

What I said was that the Catholic Church was the only Christian denomination that could trace its lineage to Christ. The other Churches split from the Catholic Church, not the other way around. The levitating monk is true and documented. St. Joseph of Copertino was a 16th century levitating Franciscan monk.

1:16 PM  

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