Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Not Again

Louisiana has had it tough over the last 2 years. First, Katrina, then our illustrious governor's reaction to it, then Nagin, then Nagin again and now this. To the outside world, it must seem as though Louisiana is a state of ignorants who will vote for the first person who promises them something shiny. Although there is a large segment of the population that fits this description, there is an equally large segment of the population that is educated and concerned about the future of the state. The big problem is that the educated, concerned segment is not vocal enough. They're too nice to say something that will hurt someone's feelings or they feel like their voice won't be heard. I feel this is the same problem with government as a whole. The people who really are concerned about the overall direction of the country aren't as organized as the segments that are one issue groups. It seems as though the one issue groups get more attention from the media even though individually, they're very small. People have got to realize that if they want to effect change, they're going to have get together under a common banner (not religious) and lobby the government to get back to what it should be doing, protecting it's citizens from outside invaders and letting the states take care of what is particular to each state.
I really have lost most of what little trust I had in lawmakers in general and in federal lawmakers in particular.

Fujitsu Computer Systems Corporation

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