Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I kind of understand what's going on here but political correctness has become part and parcel of our every day lives. I guess someone's going to complain that there aren't any gay and lesbians in the picture or Moslems. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

The thing about this is that most kids don't really play on these things the way they were designed to be played on. They usually find some way to injure themselves by testing the limits and jumping off of them or some other nonsense. This is just another way parents are patting themselves on the back for being so great instead of taking the kid to the park and playing with them. Who knows, the kid might interact with some other kids and not end up thinking the world revolves around them.

This is no exercise. We mean to let Iran know that we can rain terror down on them at a moment's notice. I really wish there was a way to come to some sort of terms with the Iranian government but based on past experience you can't trust these people (the government, not the citizens). They're always going to tell you what you want to hear to get out of a jam and then once you turn around, they'll stab you in the back. It's too bad we couldn't have propped up the Sha a little longer and encourage him to correct some civil rights problems but we have Mr. "George Bush is the worst president ever" to thank for that, along with everything else that was wrong with this country from 1974 until Reagan came into office.

The minute we evacuate Iraq, Iran and all the rest of the terrorists will be licking their chops. Most of the citizens of the Westernized world don't realize how serious the Islamic Fundamentalists are. Until someone has the cohones and the resources to put the entire region under some sort of lockdown, we're going to continue to fight this battle. They'll never succeed at overthrowing the American government because the Hispanics are going to end up as the ruling class and they are not going to put up with it. It'll be Catholics vs Moslems, round 2.

This is what I'm talking about. In no case, is the killing of innocent men, women and children justified. And that includes Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The excuse that we saved millions of lives by doing that instead of invading Japan is just a canard. The Japanese were on their last legs and we could have just blockaded them until they capitulated. The same thing with the bombing of Dresden. Just because the Germans were bombing London didn't give the allies a pass on killing all those people. As long as we kept ahead of them in technology and kept targeting their war manufacturing, we would have been fine.

That hardly makes them covert, does it? I think is a ploy to get the Iranians thinking we will do it and see if they call our bluff. Besides, you can bet your ass that if the CIA is already doing covert operations in Iran, some other shadow agency is.

We certainly do stand to learn things from other countries but our cowboy mentality won't allow us to do that. The idea is that America and Americans are non-pariel is, how you say, stupide. This doesn't mean that multi-culturalism is the way to go, only that we need to be open to how other countries and cultures do things and if they'll work better for us than what we're already doing. I did notice that Ireland didn't make the list but hey, I don't really think they care which is something else I think we can learn as a country and as a people.

That just looks too much like work

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