Wednesday, May 16, 2007

All's not well for Falwell

I haven't been able to post so far this week because the internet connection was messed up Monday and yesterday was absolutely crazy.

Firstly, I want to address the death of Jerry Falwell. While I have empathy for his family and don't wish ill for anyone, I am not sorry this hypocrite passed away. We all have to go sometime. For being a "man of the cloth", this guy did more to hurt real Christians than help them. Jesus said not to judge unless you want to be judged yourself but this didn't stop Falwell from calling people out in public and saying that America's problems were because of all of the sinners. "Hate the sin, Love the sinner" The sooner the rest of his ilk depart this mortal coil, the better because they've polarized people against Christians and we are supposed to love our enemies. I don't even want to get into how much Falwell, Robertson and the rest have personally profited from their congregations.

We have passed the point of no return. It's ridiculous that the people we hire to take care of our military veterans are lining their pockets. How do you get bonuses for running the most inept organization in the country?

Karma can be such a biatch

Maybe we shouldn't necessarily say nay to this. I'll take it out for a trot

This is just a publicity stunt. It takes more energy to produce hydrogen than the hydrogen generates. And where does that energy come from? Coal and natural gas fired electrical plants, mostly.

This guy has the biggest, brassiest ones in the world.

Oh, the irony of it all

I love this

I have always liked Isaac Asimov's books and short stories but this one is based on the false premise that the conciousness of the last computer would remain even after all the energy in the universe had been exhausted.

This isn't the first time I've seen this. Could it be that the drug companies are squashing it? No, they wouldn't do that, would they?

Alternative- Tori Amos

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