Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day !

I guess this was inevitable but where is it going to stop? I guess 1984 is about 23 years late.

And now, a heart-warming story about a grandmother and grandson

This is exactly what is wrong with multi-culturalism. Everyone doesn't need to participate in everyone else's culture. We all need to protect and preserve the culture we have (those of us that have any). The concept of a melting pot was that each culture still had it's own identity but we could all get along and respect each other's culture. Cultures aren't being strengthened by multiculturalism, they're being diluted.

He blazed a trail for comics that didn't just tell jokes - they make you think. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says but I respect his right to his opinions. Oh, and some of them are hilarious.

There's something about this that just didn't sit right with me. I'm not saying it they put that stuff in there on purpose or anything - I'm just sayin'

I think the fuss over all this is ridiculous. It's quite interesting that the people complaining aren't doing any research into what all the cups say, they are only focused on what their cup says. "I don't see any forest"

Finally, for Mother's Day, a tale of one mother's love for her little sweet girl.

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