Thursday, April 13, 2006

What are you afraid of?

On my way to work this morning, I saw a BMW M-3 with a bumper sticker that said "Don't let the car fool you, My treasure is in heaven". First of all, what kind of idiot puts a bumper sticker on a BMW. Bumper stickers and BMW's are mutually exclusive. Secondly, what are you afraid of? Don't apologize for buying the car. Many people took pride in the job they did to produce that car so that you could enjoy it. You've made it possible for them to continue to do the craft they were trained to do and support their families. I think the real issue here is that this person had to put the sticker on their car so that they could feel better about themselves. It's not about their "treasure in heaven" it's about their own ego. This person obviously felt guilty about buying the car and so that had to do something that said to everyone else that "Don't judge me" . The sad truth is that I don't care and if the bumper sticker hadn't been there, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. I wonder how many other people saw that and thought the same thing.
On a different note, I've finally decided to address the immigrant issue. The absolute audacity of some public figures that are pandering to the illegal immigrants is enought to make me sick. Two years ago, Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying that we needed to do a better job of policing the borders, holding employers accountable for hiring and so on. Last week at some rally, she was pointing out that these are the people that are cleaning our hotel rooms, picking up our trash, cooking our food at restaurants and that we should be more appreciative of them. My take on this issue is that we don't need more laws to control immigration. We need better enforcement of the laws we currently have. That includes spending enough money to hire more agents to patrol the border and investigate employers. The congress can't make any political hay, however, if we just do what we've said we would do. The only way they can justify their positions is to make new laws. Our political system is going to collapse under all the laws and regulations if we don't take action and elect people who will strive for a leaner, meaner government. The status quo is going to bankrupt us both economically and culturally.


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