Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Joke?

KW - Quotation_woman_default03
The recent church burnings in Alabama have turned out to be some sick joke by a couple of college students that got out of hand. At least that's their story and they're sticking to it. In exactly what screwed up universe would anyone consider a church burning, much less nine, a knee-slapper? Are college kids these days so bored that they have to commit federal offenses in order to get their kicks? According to a federal source, they just liked to start fires and watch them burn. It wasn't enough to burn 5 churches. They had to burn 4 more on the opposite side of the state to try to throw the authorities off the trail.
What we're talking about here is anarchistic and amoral behaviour not unlike "A Clockwork Orange". While it's one of my favorite movies, and in my opinion, Kubrik's finest film, I'm afraid that Stanley has done it again. He gave us a view of the future(our present) that no one really thought would come to pass. Well folks, welcome to the future. A great number of the kids who are in college today were pampered in grade school and taught that the important thing was that no one got their feelings hurt and that everyone's a winner are facing the reality that people with better educations and work ethics usually end up with better jobs, lives etc. I'm not saying that you can't get there by scheming and underhandedness but you're not going to like yourself or anyone else very much. Malcom McDowell's character in "A Clockwork Orange" was never challenged to be anything other than a spoiled brat who got everything he wanted and I would hazard a guess that these kids are probably the same way.


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