Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Torch

TD Clearance
I think I've heard just about enough about how biased towards the left the media is. Every radio talk show host and all of Fox News is crying about the Big, Bad Leftist Media and how they are corrupting the truth. The real problem in this country is that we don't have enough sense as a population to know when we are being fed bullshit. We should all be ashamed that we allow someone else to tell us how to think about a particular issue. I quit watching the news on television about 15 years ago and cancelled my newspaper subscription not long after that. It's not that the leftist media's is turning our minds to mush with its propaganda, it's the ignorance and stupidity of the American people to allow them to do it. The media can't exist in a vacuum. Someone is buying those newspapers, watching television or listening to the radio. Don't think for a minute that just because Rush or Sean tells you something that it's completely true either. I've heard both of them turn a conversation around to make it sound like they wanted to. Face it, these guys are doing this to pay the bills and if they don't succeed in galvanizing you against a common enemy, mama don't get no new dress and babies, they be cryin'. Bill O'Reilly touts himself as being even-handed and while he does a pretty good job of it most of the time, I think he can be very patronizing to people who disagree with him .
Turn your televisions off, you stupid, stupid people. There's no way anyone can do justice to a news story in the time allowed in cable or network news. Don't believe that what you read in the newspapers is the whole story. It's a bit better than television but they're still only telling you want they want you to know. Talk Radio is probably the best of the traditional media for getting the whole story but you have to be able to cut through all the rhetoric and get to the meat of the issue. It amazing to me how these guys can take one issue and stretch it out for 3 hours. The internet, however, is the Holy Grail of news gathering and distribution. Here you have a melding of the medias into one instanteous feed of information from as many or as few sources as you like with as much or little editorialization as you can stand. You can get the news at whatever time is convenient for you and in whatever format you choose and it's absolutely democratic. The torch has been passed.


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