Sunday, February 19, 2006

Holy Kanye

I've been sick since last Thursday or so and I haven't felt much like writing anything but there's a bunch to write about. Like Kanye West saying he should be a character in the Bible. Is this guy that stupid or is he just trying to get a rise out of people? Either way, it's inexcusable. One, no-one's going to rewrite the Bible just so they can stroke your ego and two, who the f..k do you think you are. How 'bout his little temper tantrum at the Grammys? I didn't watch them but I did see the incident the next day. What happened to "It's an honor just to be nominated". This kid hasn't got the talent that Bono has in the stuff that's under his left hand's pinkie's fingernail. He hasn't realized that he just a record company stooge. There's no there there.
Moving right along, am I the only person completely bored with the Winter Olympics? It seems as though NBC is only interested in showing us these made-up sports like Snowboard Cross and Speed Skating Pursuit. It's like watching poorly designed video games but at least they have objective scoring systems. Any activity that has a entirely subjective scoring system like Half-pipe, shouldn't be considered a sport. Sports are activities where someone wins because they are faster, stronger, can jump higher, etc. Don't get me wrong - I think it takes a lot of dedication, hard work and talent to become an snowboarder but it's not a sport any more than gymnastics is. At least ice skating is starting to get the big idea with their new scoring system but the result is that the performances are a bit flat from a aesthetic standpoint.
I think all the great movies have already been made. Maybe I'm jaded but I haven't seen a movie that told an original story in a very long time. I think the last one was "The Secret of Roan Inish". The rest have all been rehashes of other story lines. A message to Hollywood - DON'T MAKE ANY MORE REMAKES OF GREAT MOVIES UNLESS YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU WON'T SCREW THEM UP. All it does is detract from the original. The Steve Martin remake of "The Pink Panther" is horrible. I don't understand how no one else could see that. Before it came out, there was some PSA with Steve Martin as Clouseau and I could tell right there he wasn't going to pull it off. There is never going to be another Peter Sellers. The pity is that a lot of kids are going to go to this movie and probably like it ok because they haven't seen the original. So many people under 30 haven't seen the really great movies and what's worse, they probably never will. I'm going to compile a list of must see movies. It's like literature, you have to be grounded in the classics before you can understand the modern writers. Here's a few to get started with.

Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb- A widely thought to be the best dark comedy ever. Directed by Stanley Kubrik early in his career.

Edward Scissorhands - A modern day fairy tale that makes me tear up a bit everytime I see it.

Blade Runner - The best sci-fi movie of all time. It has everything- love, action, intrigue, great effects(before CGI) and the final scene with Rutger Hauer releasing the dove makes me think about my own mortality and redemption.

The Godfather - I read the book before I saw the movie and while the movie didn't include everything from the book, it captured the feel of the book exactly. Brando, Pacino, Duvall and Caan are all at the top of their game in this one.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I don't think Nicholson gave a better performance in a movie until "As Good As It Gets". I totally didn't see the end coming.


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