Monday, February 20, 2006

Ricky, Ricky, Ricky

Just read an article where Ricky Williams, the running back for the Miami Dolphins, has failed his 4th drug test. This comes after a him retiring because he failed the third one and being forced out of retirement because he was going to have to repay his gazillion dollar signing bonus. I just don't understand this sort of behaviour. I suppose these guys just think they're invincible but maybe I would too if I made the kind of money they did for what little they do. No, I take that back. Walter Payton understood the opportunity he was given when he was drafted from some no name college and so did Jerry Rice. They worked their asses off to stay at the top of their game as long as they could because they knew the gravy train would come to an end someday. Ricky and some of the younger guys don't seem to have the same sort of sense of purpose. They seem to want to take things as they come and that's fine as long as you are willing to accept the consequences. It's just a shame to see anyone with talent squander it. A co-worker of mine has a son who was very close to making it to the big leagues as a catcher. He decided to quit when things got a little harder and his mother let him. Kids need someone to nudge them in the right direction. The idea that children (and I mean until they're about 30 or so) know what's best for them is not fair to them. So many times, kids ask parents and other adults for advice and what they get is "You need to do what's best for you". Well, if the kid knew what was best for them, they wouldn't be asking the question. I'm the first one to say that one of the biggest problems in the youth of our time is that they don't take responsibility for their own actions. Adults need to understand they have a responsibility to the younger generation to focus them on the right path not let them figure the path out by themselves.


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