Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sensibility at last

Is it just my imagination or is the creationism vs evolution debate starting to swing towards the side of logic and common sense? Over the last month or so, creationism proponents have been dealt a blow in several school systems across the country. My feeling on this whole situation is that evolution and the Big Bang, etc are immutable facts even though they are called theories in the scientific community. The evidence is overwhelming. National Geographic had a very good treatment of this situation in one of their issues last year. The same people that argue against evolution will breed cows for more milk, leaner meat, etc. yet they can't understand how nature could influence one particular genetic disposition to be better suited to it's environment than another. Through our God-given intellect and reasoning, we've been able to turn back the clock to determine the conditions of the early universe just nano-seconds before it was created. If people realized that the best explanation scientists have for the beginning of the universe is that a singularity (think of a infinitely small point with infinite mass) was dropped into an absolute nothingness (not a vacuum, it means no space or time) and the singularity expanded rapidly (Big Bang, maybe?) to fill the void. If that doesn't say "Hand of God", I don't know what does.
I think the biggest problem that most people have with reconciling their religion with modern science is that they can't open their minds enough to understand that God, by definition, is all powerful, all knowing, etc. They want a god that fits in their experience and doesn't challenge their belief system. I don't know how many times I've seen these preachers on TV saying that God wouldn't create another intelligent species in the universe because we are his greatest creation. If that's as good as he can do, I'm terribly disappointed. I have always looked to science as a demonstration of how amazing God's creation is and it has bolstered my faith rather than challenging it.


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