Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday in the Park

This was interesting in the sense that every other country in the world seemed to be represented except for the US. What does that say about our intellectual level?

I'm a fan of Natalie Portman as an actress but I don't think I need to know what is going on in her life 24/7.

This is kind of creepy and cool at the same time. I've seen fish with lobes for fins but I didn't know the used them to walk like that. Maybe this is what our ancestors looked like before they walked out of the water (if you believe in that sort of thing - nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

Reusable adult diapers for gamblers - that's what I call defining your niche

We better keep an eye on them. They have the satisfaction in knowing that no one is going to attack them on their own turf with as many people as they have.

"Why, why why (sobbing)" "Because we can make more money, that's why. Now shut up and go back to hugging your damn trees"

Oh no you didn't Oh yes I did - snap. This Baptist idiot must'nt have read his Bible too well. I think there's something in there about loving your enemies. I'm sure his church will be overrun by all the Muslims converting.

I am so scared about the future of our civilization if these kids are going to be our future voters. Hollywood crushed a movie call "Idiocracy" with Luke Wilson not too long ago because it hit very close to the mark as far as the declining IQ's of our youth. The premise was that less intelligent people have more children than more intelligent people so in 500 years, the world is populated by a bunch of morons. Luke Wilson, as a participant in a time travel experiment is sent to that future and is the smartest guy on the planet.

Hmm, I never would have thought that.

Daddy, um, Mommy told me to do it

Never mind that people are still buying gas-guzzling SUV's.It's the American car companies fault for not producing more fuel efficient cars according to Barak Obama. His fix is to have the Federal Government ( the very model of efficiency) regulate the car companies We don't know what expensive gasoline is. I was listening to a report the other day that said gas was nearly $10 per gallon in Britain. My suggestion is to put a $5.00 a gallon tax on it and see how many soccer moms trade in their SUV's for sedans with fuel efficient engines.

I can vouch for this myself. My daughter started having watered down wine with Sunday dinner when she was about 6 or so. She is now 22 and is a very responsible drinker.

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