Thursday, May 17, 2007

Peaceful Saturday Morning

We really had no reason to think that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. I mean, he only used them once on the Kurds, right?

I don't think they get it. It's all about content and even handedness. If they would take a look at the situation with television news, they'd understand. None of the broadcast network news shows have a viewership under 35 years old. CNN and MSNBC don't have as many viewers combined as FNN does. Why? Because they aren't providing good content that is neutral politically. Oh yeah, and that internets thing is starting to gain a little ground too.

I thought the earth was only 5,000 years old? This won't convince any of the creationist/intelligent design idiots because they can't understand that the Bible isn't a entirely a history book, especially Genesis. I've ranted enough about this before so 'nuff said

I applaud Gibson for airing this because it shows people just how stupid and insensitive Patrice O'Neal and others like him are. What works in a night club doesn't translate to television. People pay to go to a night club and generally they know what they're in for. Everything in America is going to the lowest common denominator. Saturday Night Live, for instance, for quite a long time after it premiered was funny, topical and didn't have to resort to toilet humor or sexual innuendo. After geniuses like Phil Hartman and Eddy Murphy left, it went to hell in a handbasket. Schools aren't focusing on excellence, they're teaching down to the LCD. It's not that I don't think the kids that are having trouble don't deserve to be educated, it's just that I don't feel the kids that can really excell need to be held back. My wife and I quit going to my daughter's award day programs because the school was trying to find some way for every kid to get an award. Give people something to strive for, don't give them the idea that mediocrity and worse will be rewarded. Here's another example of mediocrity at work. I could understand having the opportunity to retake the test but that would be it.

What? Falwell loved sinners? Just the example of his reaction to 9/11 ought to be enough to show that he was trying to pick a fight for his own agrandizement (sound familiar, Ann?). She's just pandering to her constituancy and is no different than Al Gore. Notice how she quickly turns the story into a gay activist bashing piece. Nothing will get her more press and more support from the religious right than that. Note - I am not pro-gay or con-gay. I do think they set a fine example, however, on how to push an agenda. I don't necessarily like it but I do think they've done a great job.

Another example of the shameless shaping of our consciousness. You can't believe anything you see. Does Cameron Diaz look at her after shot and think that she is looking at herself? Some of the young girls and women that look to these actresses and models as being examples of beauty need to see this. The one of Julia Stiles is the most remarkable, though. She goes from an A cup to a C cup with the click of the mouse.

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