Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Loooong Weekend

It was a long weekend and I didn't have access to the internets so hopefully I haven't missed anything. Here goes:

You mean to tell me there are not more important things to spend time on other than this? First it was the high school kids using texting abbreviations for writing assignments, now there are courses on Facebook and Wikipedia. It's no wonder our graduates are behind the rest of the civilized world in academics.

Public trust is eroding in all of our federal institutions. I always amazed at people who think the federal government is the answer to our problems when they can't enforce the laws we have and can't be trusted to spend our money wisely. The original intent of the founding fathers was that the states take care of business that related to state issues and the federal government would pick up the rest. Now the Fed's are involved in just about every aspect of our daily lives and the sad part is that we're paying them to do it. When are American's going to wake up and realize that public servants are just that - servants. Things aren't going to get any better until there is some accountability and transparency at every level of government.

My daughter is in education and according to her, most of the kids labeled as dyslexic are either lazy or have some other learning disability (read: not too bright). Parents don't want to own up to the fact that they have a kid who is not as smart as everyone else's. It's also a way for teachers to make it easy on themselves. If they can get an underachieving student diagnosed as dyslexic (or some other learning disability), then the problem is someone else's. True dyslexia is a dehabilitating condition that truly deserves special attention .

I'll bet this is the last we hear of this. Last month, it was an article about how cheap solar cells in Australia could convert salt water into hydrogen. Have you heard anything about it since? Didn't think so.

It's a pity she had to learn that all politicians are scum the hard way. They'll use you as long as it is politically expedient to do so and then they'll throw you away like a used tissue. I feel for her loss but she was obviously naive about the political system.

Don't take this the wrong way but basically what they are doing is playing God. I guess all of medicine is playing God but at what point do you draw the line?. Some of these people's health will be compromised to some degree or another and this is the ultimate slap in the face to "Survival of the fittest". You won't have to take care of your health because the doctor will bring you back to life if you should have a heart attack. We all talk about the "dignity of life" but we don't necessarily respect the same in death. It's going to be my time soon or later and I don't know how I would feel about being brought back, especially if I was in some vegetative state because of brain damage.

Yeah, two of all animals in the world and the dinosaurs fit on Noah's Ark. Don't these people get it? There probably was a guy named Noah and he may have saved his family and some animals from a flood but he didn't save every living thing on earth. It would have been physically impossible (both definitions). By continuing to push their agenda, they are pushing Jesus and what he said to the back. Jesus was very clear in saying that we should use the Old Testament prophecies as justification for his Kingdom but he didn't refer to the Old Testament much outside of that. He didn't want people to continue to use the Old Testament (or Torah) as the basis for their faith. He is the basis for faith. It's interesting that none of what they talk about - Grand Canyon, dinosaurs on the ark, and Cain marrying his sister, are mentioned in the Old Testament. Having said all that, it's the last line of the article that concerns me the most.

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