Monday, June 11, 2007

Why can't Johnny cope in the real world.

Don't these people realize that children that are passed just to get them through the system are going to have to live in the real world where they don't get second chances, much less third or fourth chances. Failure can build character and help children realize that there are consequences to their actions if it is ministered to with the attitude that they can try harder and do better next time. Ask any inventor or composer and they'll tell you that for every success there are many failures. Irving Berlin was asked how he wrote so many beautiful pieces of music and responded that it was easy to do since he wrote 20 songs a day and most of them were crap. I'll bet the kids that are being passed through are not getting what they need in the way of encouragement and discipline from home. I realize that it's not their fault necessarily but what we're going to end up with is a bunch of young adults who are constantly whining about the world not being fair.

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